Scaled Quail image by Keith Bauer, Logo by Janet Ruth
Welcome to the New Mexico Avian Conservation Partners (NMACP) Website. NMACP strives to build a networking forum for government agencies, non-governmental organizations, corporations, and individuals with an interest in collaboration. We hold statewide meetings and webinars to prioritize conservation needs, disseminate research results, provide potential funding sources, promote conservation education and outreach programs, as well as conservation information that may be of interest to the bird conservation community.
We also host a listserv to facilitate communication among partners, provide meeting announcements, funding opportunities, conservation actions, and other information useful to those in the avian conservation community. To subscribe to the listserv follow this link:
On this website you also will find:
- Mission and Vision statements, organizational goals
- New Mexico Bird Conservation Plan, Version 2.2
- Species Conservation Level One List (for information regarding how this list was created, as well as other bird conservation lists, please see the Species Assessments Scores section of this website)
- Upcoming meeting announcements
- Meeting agendas
- Meeting and Webinar Presentations
- Tools to Help Conserve Birds in New Mexico
- Research Priorities for Birds in New Mexico
- Incorporating Bird Needs When Thinning Piñon-Juniper Woodlands
In the late 1980s, there were growing concerns about apparent declines in numbers of migratory birds. These concerns prompted the formation of Partners in Flight. Partners in Flight is a voluntary coalition of federal, state, and local government agencies, conservation organizations, private industry, and the ornithological community dedicated to halting or reversing downward trends in bird populations. Since its inception in 1990, Partners in Flight has helped direct resources to the conservation of non-game landbirds by facilitating and coordinating cooperative efforts in conservation planning, biological research and monitoring, habitat management and restoration, outreach and education.
As a state chapter of this larger partnership, New Mexico Partners in Flight (NMPIF) was established in 1995 to promote and enhance conservation and management efforts for New Mexico birds and the habitats on which they depend. In 2007, the effort was renamed New Mexico Avian Conservation Partners to better reflect all avian conservation plans at work in the Western Hemisphere.
Who Are We?
Key past and present participants in the NMACP include Audubon New Mexico, Defenders of Wildlife, Hawks Aloft, Inc, Intermountain West Joint Venture, Natural Heritage New Mexico, National Park Service, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, New Mexico State University, Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Santa Fe County, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service.
Steering Committee Members (alphabetical by last name)
Katrina Adamczyk – New Mexico State Land Office
Corrie Borgman – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Patricia Cutler – White Sands Missile Range
Margaret “Peggy” Darr – Defenders of Wildlife
Martha Desmond – New Mexico State University
Erin Duvuvuei – New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Gail Garber – Hawks Aloft, Inc.
Kathy Granillo – New Mexico Ornithological Society
Leslie Hay – U.S. Forest Service
Becky Kirby – U.S. Forest Service
Christopher Rustay – Playa Lakes Joint Venture
Brent Thompson – Los Alamos National Laboratory
Cathy Wise – Audubon Southwest
Stephanie Herbert – Bureau of Land Management
What Do We Do?
NMACP seeks to apply the guiding principles of all North American Bird Conservation efforts at the state level, to address both national and state conservation needs. We identify conservation needs by developing a New Mexico Bird Conservation Plan, based on the best available research and information on our state’s birds. Because we are continuously learning about the status of New Mexico’s birds and refining our recommendations, the Bird Conservation Plan is subject to periodic revisions.
Photographs and images appearing on this website are courtesy of David Powell, Everett Ogilvie and Hawks Aloft, Inc.