Vision: Flourishing populations of New Mexico’s avifauna and the native habitats that support them.
To conserve New Mexico’s avifauna in concert with national initiatives and through the development of sound biological information and prioritized needs, communication, and collaboration among all entities that affect bird conservation.
Grace’s Warbler, image by Alan Murphy.
- Maintain a dynamic New Mexico Bird Conservation Plan (BCP) as a source of sound scientific information and management advice.
- Identify and disseminate information on funding for bird conservation in New Mexico.
- Ensure long-term, sustainable funding for bird coordination in New Mexico.
- Maintain effective communications reaching all potential partners, including: federal and state agencies, Indian Tribes, Joint Ventures, the academic community, conservation and other nongovernmental organizations, industry, and individuals.
- Implement habitat recommendations in the New Mexico BCP by developing and maintaining partnerships.
- Implement research and monitoring to accomplish the goals of the New Mexico BCP.
- Provide decision support tools for effective and efficient ways to implement the recommendations of the New Mexico BCP.
- Implement an effective evaluation of progress in accomplishing the NMACP mission.
- Encourage and support conservation of New Mexico’s avifauna beyond state borders.
- Coordinate activities with regional and national bird initiatives.